使用Internet Explorer对象可以使POST请求在IE中产生,从而脱离程序,远离了美化界面的工作。程序甚至可以隐藏或退出,免去了WebBrowser带来的烦恼,当然也不需要第四个参数。
建新工程,在工程中“引用”Internet Explorer对象,点“浏览”,在系统文件夹下找到Shdocvw.dll(这个文件是IE自带的), Form1中添加Command1,以下是代码——
Dim g_oIE As InternetExplorer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim vPost As Variant
Dim vHeaders As Variant
Set g_oIE = New InternetExplorer
g_oIE.Visible = True
ReDim aByte(0) As Byte
cPostData = login_name=帐号&password=密码&cookietime=0
PackBytes aByte(), cPostData
vPost = aByte
vHeaders = Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded + Chr(10) + Chr(13)
g_oIE.Navigate http://www.csdn.net/member/logon.asp, , , vPost, vHeaders
End Sub
Private Sub PackBytes(ByteArray() As Byte, ByVal PostData As String)
iNewBytes = Len(PostData) - 1
If iNewBytes < 0 Then Exit Sub
ReDim ByteArray(iNewBytes)
For i = 0 To iNewBytes
ch = Mid(PostData, i + 1, 1)
If ch = Space(1) Then
ch = +
End If
ByteArray(i) = Asc(ch)
End Sub
PackBytes函数将Post出去的数据转化为一个ASCII数组,另外vHeaders的值必须以“+ Chr(10) + Chr(13)”结束。
代码没有什么好解释的,现在已经进入到Shdocvw.dll这个“库”中去了,而前面所说的WebBrowser及Internet Explorer都是这个库中所包含的“类”。大家可以打开对象浏览器看看它们互相之间的关系。
本来这一部分内容也应该放在第二章,但一方面为了醒目,另一方面,这种方法实际上与Internet Explorer对象有很大的联系及相似性,所以特意将之放在Internet Explorer对象之后介绍。
Sub Navigate(URL As String, [Flags], [TargetFrameName], [PostData], [Headers])
大家不妨与第三章中Internet Explorer对象的“Navigate”方法比较一下,一模一样,原来是同一个接口!!
新建一个工程,部件中勾选中 “Microsoft Internet Controls”,添加一个WebBrowser1、一个Command1在窗体上,可以把WebBrowser1适当拉大一点,Form1中添加以下代码:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
ReDim aByte(0) As Byte ' Array of bytes to hold data to post
cPostData = login_name=帐号&password=密码&cookietime=0&x=42&y=10
PackBytes aByte(), cPostData
Dim vPost As Variant
vPost = aByte ' Assign the byte array to a VARIANT
Dim vHeaders As Variant
vHeaders = Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded + Chr(10) + Chr(13)
WebBrowser1.Navigate http://www.csdn.net/member/logon.asp, , , vPost, vHeaders
End Sub
Private Sub PackBytes(ByteArray() As Byte, ByVal PostData As String)
iNewBytes = Len(PostData) - 1 ' Get rid of the null termination
If iNewBytes < 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
ReDim ByteArray(iNewBytes)
For i = 0 To iNewBytes
ch = Mid(PostData, i + 1, 1)
If ch = Space(1) Then
ch = +
End If
Debug.Print ch, Asc(ch)
ByteArray(i) = Asc(ch)
End Sub